Legal notices
Place du Chatelain 18 Kasteleinplein, 1050 Brussels.
Arthus SA - 33 Rue Simonis, 1050 Brussels.
VAT: BE 0460 076 938
Phone: +32 2 538 00 85
Publishing Directors
Rodolphe de Spoelberch, Founder
Delphine Dumont, Director
Hangar photo art center and PhotoBrussels Festival are protected trademarks registered with the BOIP. is likewise a protected domain name.
Every component of the website, whether visual, textual or audio, is the intellectual property of the site publisher or the holder of the intellectual property rights concerned, and is protected by the intellectual property code and copyright. That being so, any reproduction of the brand Hangar, Hangar Photo Art Center or the site, or the brand PhotoBrussels Festival, in part or in full, is strictly prohibited without authorisation.
Hangar complies with the applicable regulation and legislation, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR, EU Regulation 2016/679). We make every effort to protect your data. The purpose of the present statement on the protection of your privacy is to furnish you with precise details on how your data are collected, processed and stored.
We guarantee in all cases that:
we will process your personal data solely for the purposes for which they have been provided to us;
we will process only the personal data which we need in order to guarantee smooth operation;
we will always ask you for your explicit permission if we collect your personal data;
we will not pass your personal data on to third parties, unless this is necessary for the achievement of objectives for which they have been provided;
we are aware of your rights with regard to your personal data and we will respect them.
On request, Hangar undertakes to delete all the particulars and information of any person wishing to be removed from its database.
Users have the right to access, modify, correct or remove the data: in order to exercise this right, users may contact Hangar. The same applies in the event of any question regarding the processing of data which remains unanswered once the present statement has been read.
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The main purposes of the cookies installed when you browse are:
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By continuing to browse the site, you are accepting the use of cookies. Cookies are valid for a maximum of 13 months. Your consent will be requested again after that time, via the information banner.
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You likewise have all the above rights when it comes to personal data provided via the cookies subject to the conditions set out above.
For further details, you can contact our teams at:
Aleksandar Avramovic - Mordicus sprl
© All rights reserved to all visuals, texts, page design of the internet site and database.