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Still Life? - PBF04 / Erwin Olaf

15 November to 21 December 2019

It is with great sobriety that Erwin Olaf, sometimes eccentric, wanted to represent his recently deceased mother in Life – For Mom.

With his stop-motion Life - For Mom, Erwin Olaf wanted to pay tribute to his mother who recently passed away. Her Mom loved flowers and so it is with a bouquet of tulips, a symbol of her country and her joyful personality, that Erwin Olaf wanted to represent her. Like the circle of life, the bouquet withers and then comes to life again, endlessly. To create this black and white stop-motion, Erwin Olaf took one photo every minute during 11 days.

Erwin Olaf is born in 1959 in Hilversum, the Netherdands. Lives and works in Amsterdam.

