Witho Worms


Exhibitions at Hangar: PBF01

Born in the Netherlands in 1959. Lives and works in Amsterdam. Witho Worms has a Master’s degree in Anthropology (Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) and studied Audiovisual design and Photography (Homeschool voor de Kinston, Utrecht, Netherlands).

His background in visual anthropology has led him into an ongoing investigation of the photographic medium and its claim to natural representation and factuality. His particular interest is in landscapes. He finds his subjects where the distinction between a natural and cultural environment becomes hazy. 

After photographing the Dutch polders, he shifted his attention to the slag heaps from the coal mining industries in Western Europe in 2006. In 2013 he started to work on forests in Finland, Sweden, France, and Belgium. He spent weeks in woods that are grown for timber, paper, and other purposes. He did three chapters for this project – in the spring of 2013, he finished with the chapter Tree. 

His publication “La montagne c’est moi” obtained The Best Dutch Book Design 2012 and was short-listed for the Paris Photo-Aperture first Photo Book Award. He won the Gold Medal 2013 for “The most beautiful book of the world”: Stiftung Buchkunst, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.