Voyage pittoresque / Ruud van Empel

12 October - 10 November 2018

Ruud van Empel uses the medium of photography as an independent form of imagination. 

Every image consists of photographs, taken by himself, that are digitally assembled on the computer. He works conceptually and has created a new genre within photography. In his series Untitled (2004), he explores the theme of innocence. In the sequel series World (2005) he shows black children for the first time as a symbol of innocence. These works were inspired by photos taken during his childhood by his father. A typical feature of the work of Ruud van Empel is the composition of a perfected and idealized representation right down to the finest details. But this always has a darker side, albeit not always evident. Ruud van Empel has taken the digital construction of photography to a new level.

Ruud van Empel was born in 1958 in Breda. He lives and works in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.