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“Still Life?” - PBF04
15 November - 21 December 2019

The still life, which perennially fascinates us and continues to inspire contemporary creative photography: whether in the traditional vein, or revisited, whether minimalist, experimental, crude, or humorous, this is a genre which seems to be inspiring the photographic medium more and more.

The term first appears in the Dutch stilleven in the 17th century, being then adopted into German as Stilleben, and English as still life, meaning ‘silent or motionless life’. It was not until the 18th century that the term nature morte came into use in French. This theme, which was originally essentially pictorial, has been appropriated over the years by cubism, hyper-realism, Pop Art and sculpture. For its part, photography has addressed the theme of the still life from its beginnings, and has been continuously renewing it.

PBF Prize
For its 4th edition, PhotoBrussels Festival awarded a PBF Prize: a ‘carte blanche’ for a photographic exhibition (either solo or as a group) on the theme ‘Still life’. Geneviève Gleize (FR) was the winner with her project Dead Grocery. Learn more

Festival Tour
For its 4th edition, PhotoBrussels Festival listed more than 30 photo exhibitions in the city. Learn more

Artists of the “Still Life?” exhibition:

Ilit Azoulay (IL) - Dan Bannino (IT) - Vincen Beeckman (BE) - Bert Danckaert (BE) - Jean-Robert Dantou (FR) -Véronique Ellena (FR) - Vincent Fournier (FR) - Teresa Giannico (IT) - Geneviève Gleize (FR) - Jean-Baptiste Huynh (FR/VN) - Erwin Olaf (NL) - Alice Pallot (FR) - Klaus Pichler (AT) - Baptiste Rabichon (FR) - Tara Sellios (US) - (Darwin) Sinke & van Tongeren (NL) - Fleur van Dodewaard (NL) - Krista van der Niet (NL) - Wim Wauman (BE) - Giljung Yoon (KR)

©D. Crutzen ©B. Baltus

Past editions:
